My Media-Fiction Writing Blog

2023 May 21

It has been suggested that I do a blog about my writing, so I have a place to direct people to. I don’t know how often I will do this, but I will also put up reflections on 55 years of writing (since I began writing novels when I was ten), both fanfiction, newsletters, novels, and screenplays/feature film scripts.

As you can see by my main page here, I have made the decision to move my ezines to my own pages at Archive of Our Own, abbreviated as AO3.

I have enjoyed the process, and still have a ways to go. It has been a good decision for me, I feel, but time-consuming as I have taken time to read each story, fix typos (I’m sure there are still some there!), and try to strengthen storylines, fix the structure, and update some of the themes.

One thing I like about AO3 is that it offers the reader the choice of reading on-line, or downloading the entire document (or chapter by chapter) in various formats such as MODI, e-Pub, PDF, etc.